

Our collection of videos is exclusively available to IRMTNZ members for their Professional Development and enjoyment. 

Our videos are stored on an unlisted YouTube channel which means they cannot be viewed by the general public. We ask that members please do not share video links with non-members as this would breach the copyright license agreement we have with our presenters. 

Our videos include recordings of seminars, workshops and masterclasses with leading international and local guest presenters. To view, simply click on the title of your choice.

Videos of the following presentations and masterclass, filmed at our ‘Ignite!’ National Conference, April 2024, are now available for viewing:

How to Apply Māori Teaching Principles to Your Practice with Ben Lau
Exploring Historically Informed Performance Practice with Professor Samantha Owens
Piano Masterclass with Katherine Austin
From Practice to Practise – Self-Regulated Learning for the Music Studio with Associate Professor Graham McPhail*     

Violin Masterclass with Dr Martin Riseley

 *Notes to accompany Graham McPhail’s presentation: Self-Regulated Learning


*Notes to accompany Nicola Holt’s presentation: Singing in Aural Tests

Videos are available for a limited period from date of upload (usually 12 months). Forthcoming expiry dates:

New additions to our video collection are advised in Ritmico Online

We are grateful to all our presenters for allowing us to film their presentations. Thanks too, to the students and other participants who have appeared on camera, and to those who have made these video recordings.