

Whaowhia te kete mātauranga – fill the basket of knowledge

IRMTNZ is committed to supporting music teachers by providing regular Professional Development. The following pages list upcoming events for music teachers through IRMTNZ branches and our Affiliate Organisations, and will be updated at the beginning of each new school term.

IRMTNZ Conference 2024

IRMTNZ held our first national kōrero for four years.

It was wonderful to rekindle the flame through discussions, seminars and musical collaborations. 

Look for reports in Ritmico Online and Ritmico!  

IRMTNZ Branch Events

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa – let us keep close together, not far apart 

Our branches are at the heart of local communities throughout Aotearoa, providing a range of activities for members, their students, and the wider public. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) comes in the form of workshops, seminars, and masterclasses with highly respected international and local presenters. Our branches also hold student recitals and awards which are always popular with whānau and friends.


Affiliate Organisation Events

Our Affiliate Organisations provide valuable Professional Development opportunities for teachers and their students, so please visit the Affiliate Organisation Events page as well to see what is happening in your area.

