There are several categories of IRMTNZ membership, including some which recognise exceptional service to the Institute and our wider community.
Leading Associate (LAIRMTNZ)
Application for LAIRMTNZ can be made by Associate members who have attended or participated in 36 or more Professional Development activities during the previous three years. Of these activities, at least nine must be educational (eg IRMTNZ PD video, ‘Upskill’ course or branch seminar), and at least one activity must be a national or international face-to-face event (eg IRMTNZ Conference, MENZA Conference, or substantial Council-approved online international course). LAIRMTNZ is awarded for a period of three years. To apply for LAIRMTNZ please complete the application form and attach your PD record. Please note your record may be audited.
To retain LAIRMTNZ status for a further three years, you need to satisfy the requirements as per the above paragraph. Our Registrar will send a letter explaining how you can renew your status prior to its expiry date.
Life Member IRMTNZ
The criteria for Life Membership are extensive and include exceptional service to IRMTNZ and the music teaching profession. Examples include significant contribution which has had a national impact, significant contribution to mentoring and education and impact on young musician or teaching at international level and significant contribution to branches. Life Members are elected by a majority of 75% of members present at the AGM. The Nomination Form for Life Member IRMTNZ must be submitted by 31 October of the current year, for consideration by the Registration Board ahead of the following year’s AGM.
When nominating a member for FIRMTNZ, branches should consider length of IRMTNZ membership; distinguished service to IRMTNZ and services to music teaching at national and local level; attendance at national and local IRMTNZ activities eg IRMTNZ Conferences, branch seminars and masterclasses; outstanding contribution to the general musical life of the local community; exceptional service given to younger and/or less experienced music teachers. The Nomination Form for FIRMTNZ must be submitted by 31 October of the current year for consideration by the Registration Board ahead of the following year’s AGM.
Distinguished Branch Member (DBM)
When nominating a member for DBM, branches should consider length of IRMTNZ membership and distinguished service to the Institute; attendance at local IRMTNZ activities eg local seminars, masterclasses and recitals; significant contribution to IRMTNZ at local level and/or significant contribution to the general musical life of the local community; significant assistance given to younger and/or less experienced music teachers and significant contribution to music education. The Nomination Form for DBM must be submitted by 31 October of the current year for consideration by the Registration Board ahead of the following year’s AGM.
Honorary Fellowships are reserved for those teaching advanced musical performance at tertiary institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand. There is no subscription fee, and a Fellow has no voting rights, but acceptance of the invitation indicates a willingness to provide professional development to private music teachers through the auspices of IRMTNZ, as a service to the profession. In practice, this would normally not exceed two 3-hour masterclasses (or equivalent) per annum. The award of Honorary Fellowship is made at national level and is by Council invitation only. Branches are encouraged to submit names who they believe are eligible for for Honorary Membership. The nominated person will be asked to supply a CV and a short biography (500 – 800 words), and to give permission for IRMTNZ to use their personal biography and/or CV on our website and in other publicity materials.