Institute of Registered Music Teachers of New Zealand I Ako Puoro
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Do you teach music or want to teach music? Are you looking for a music teacher? We can help you!
The Institute of Registered Music Teachers of New Zealand (IRMTNZ) | Ako Puoro is Aotearoa New Zealand’s only professional organisation for all studio music teachers, established by an Act of Parliament.
We set standards for teaching, helping music teachers to build and maintain professional and successful teaching practices for the benefit of themselves and their students.
IRMTNZ registration endorses you as a music teacher, provides a friendly collegial support network, essential Professional Development and student performance opportunities throughout Aotearoa NZ. Join us HERE.
Music is a fundamental part of most people’s lives. We enjoy listening to it and anyone can learn to make music, which has its own special rewards. IRMTNZ members are professionally and personally qualified to teach people to make music and do it well. Find a teacher HERE.
We also offer a range of distance learning music teacher training courses. Members receive professional guidance and advice through our Code of Ethics and other key documents including our Student Safety Policy and Privacy Policy, and a nationwide network of IRMTNZ mentors is available to all members. In its operations, IRMTNZ recognises Te Tiriti o Waitangi / The Treaty of Waitangi and the special place of tangata whenua and te reo Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand.
IRMTNZ is carbon neutral, and we regularly review our national business activities and travel to ensure that we offset any carbon costs.
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